Form Principles



Forms are used by people of varying abilities and skill levels and must be accessible to all.


Fast-entry, no friction

Ask for only what is required. If there is a quicker way to enter data encourage it. For example, capture driving license details with the camera. If details are already known, then pre-fill an input.



Long forms are broken down into multiple steps that are easier to understand. Inputs are placed into logical groups that are spaced out for clarity.


Clear progression

The user’s current position along the steps is always clear. The goal being worked toward is similarly clear.


Consistent, logical layout

Inputs are stacked and combined into logical groups. Fields and groups are laid out in a consistent, easily scannable manner.


A guided experience

The user is informed of what is required of them and what happens next while help is clearly provided. Forms are validated as soon as possible to reduce the chances of error and frustration.